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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Recycling. Upscaling. Crafts: Mentors & Selling.

Hi Everyone! A reminder and an apology: this blog of mine is STILL under construction! Just like me and a lot of my other projects...

My mission in this blog is centered around the fact that I and my extended family are totally committed recycle freaks combining our recycling habits and our craft skills to make pretty stuff to sell.

Recycling is fun. Crafting is fun. And selling is fun. But the truth is, if I had all the money that ever was, I would use it to support all the projects of eco-friendly, fair trade, sustainable community minded people around the world. I would start with supporting all genres of arts that promote health and healing, human rights, sustainability and of course PEACE. I would move on to rebuild all the eco-unfriendly buildings in the world making sure that they were rebuilt using the highest fair labor practices and sustainable materials. I would see to it that they were furnished with mindful and heart-felt objects of beauty, practicality and love. You can read part one of my personal story as a woman, renegade artist and business woman of integrity on my upcoming blog.

My fervent belief is that we industrialized nations need to find ways to show others that we all can be just as prosperous, make just as much money by doing things the ecological way, the sustainable way, the life-enriching way as we can by breaking down the earth and all it's resources.

So far in my life I have made my income as a photographer, a clothing designer and a painter. I have traveled, bought houses and built one house on my profits as an artist and wholesaler. Now I want to switch over to rescuing beautiful or freaky clothing items made preferably of natural materials and redesigning them through deconstructing, reconstructing and embellishing them with paint, jewelry or junk....

I have spent the last 4 years living in two Artist Residency programs in Tenino, Washington and in Tacoma, Washington (in my 30 foot RV surrounded by 70 acres of wetlands and blackberry bushes, coyotes, partridges, pear trees, rabbits, feral cats, song birds, a scraggly organic garden and huge motherly Douglas Fir trees. It is an awesome piece (peace) of heaven for me.

My specific task as a member of the female species is to help single mothers to stay at home with their young children and get out into the real world a bit as well. Children need to see their mothers interacting with the business world. I teach the "ready, willing and eager" women around me how to augment their incomes through upgrading their art and craft skills and learning how to wholesale to gift shops or through the internet.

All proceeds from whatever I sell have always gone towards helping myself to help others. I'm all about win-win living ... and artists and craftswomen need to do a lot more winning! We have so much value to offer the world and we who are conscientious and frugal deserve a much bigger piece of the pie than what we have been traditionally getting!

Did I say pie? Just incidentally I have a fantastic chocolate pie recipe, you won't believe it till you try it! Black chocolate, avacado, black beans bananas and apples. Yummy. See ya later with that recipe, I promice you'll love it! (Or mail it to me if you don't!)


SDRoads said...

Hi there. Thanxx for your post at my blog. It is nice to meet you. I made the letters darker at my site. :) Your site looks nice. I like the part of how you wrote that your site is still under construction, just like you. LoL Have a great day Nuri!!!! Oh, by the way, did you meet your tax deadline? -SD

Jeni Gray said...

Nuri, I love what you're sharing here on your blog, would love to hear more!!